I had the privilege this week of facilitating some amazing connections. There is no doubt in my mind that the partnerships were divinely orchestrated, but I am also clear that if I had not been "ready" for the call, a whole group of women would have missed out on critical opportunities. By being "ready", I am referring to the level of receptivity I was operating at. When we consistently work to maintain high levels of receptive energy, magic happens. We begin to actively seek the life we want, and life, in turn, begins to work to give us our heart's desire. We are also more open to the needs of others and eager to come to each other's aid whenever we are able. This leaves us with a sense of satisfaction for taking care of ourselves and our community, and inspires us to do it again and again.

A few months ago, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies contacted me about helping connect doulas in training with expecting mothers needing a doula. They would provide their services free of charge in exchange for the mothers signing off on their certification paperwork. A doula is a non-medical person who assists a woman before, during, and after childbirth. She usually meets with the pregnant woman to discuss her birth plan and assists in coping techniques and upholding her wishes during delivery. She can also be hired to support the family by completing light household chores and caring for older siblings. Hiring a doula can significantly reduce the amount of interventions and C-sections during labor. I was eager to help the organization because I truly believe in the positive impact doulas have on better birth outcomes. But they had twelve doulas needing births in order to complete their certifications and I didn't know how I could help. I couldn't force doulas on my clients, and because I am President of Georgia Birth Network, a membership of childbirth professionals who are paid for their services, I was obligated to refer to my member base first. I told the lady I would think about how I could help, but really had no clue what I was going to do.
Around that same time, a neighbor invited me to a networking group she was hosting at a local coffee shop. When people find out I'm a midwife, that usually leads to them telling me about their own birth stories. So it was with one particular woman in the group, which blossomed into a text friendship where I would share resources for doulas, childbirth educators and potential nursing complications. One day she texted me telling me that she had a neighbor who volunteers at a center that helps pregnant women in need. She was trying to find a midwife to come discuss pain management in labor and delivery and wondered if I might be interested. Would I ever?!!! My wheels immediately started spinning as I recalled my conversation with Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies. I would finally be able to help those doulas get closer to their certification, and even more, I could help provide a critical resource for women who couldn't otherwise afford the luxury of hiring a doula. I was in awe of how perfectly the situation had found a solution and felt honored to be chosen as the conduit for the process.

The class was a great success and when I got home that night, I texted my friend to let her know how it went. This was my exact text- "I just had the best time teaching those ladies, FYI. It was so fulfilling to offer them information that they've never heard before and to validate their intuitions and to also hook them up with another program I am working with for doulas in training to get their certifications. Now they can get their certifications AND these ladies can have a free doula! God really had a hand in all this and it all started by our accidental meeting. Isn't that so sweet? We have changed lives!" I attribute the success of this experience to the consistency with which I practice the Four Seeds of Self-Care. A regular practice of eating well, sleeping well, meditating and exercise continues to cleanse my brain and change its patterns from ones of anxiety, depression, and self-indulgence to ones of peace, optimism, and sincere wishes to focus my time and energy to serve others where I am called. You are also called to serve others everyday- whether in your family, your relationship, or your community. In order to be the brightest light you can be for those people, you have to feel the best that you can. Regular practice of the The Four Seeds is the answer. Start today. No step is too small. Discover the miracles that can happen and the connections that are possible by choosing a daily walk with self-care.
With love and gratitude,
Kinda and Rachel